On 29 April 2024, the Council of the European Union decided to suspend certain provisions of the Visa Code concerning the processing of visa applications introduced by Ethiopian nationals irrespective of the applicant’s place of residence.

The decision has been made because the EU has found that the Ethiopia’s cooperation on readmission matters of own citizens is not sufficient, and there is a need for a significant improvement of all phases of the cooperation on readmission matters, including to ensure, that Ethiopia cooperate effectively with all member states in a way that is timely and predictable when it comes to identification and issuing of travel documents and operations on readmission. This is why action by the EU is necessary. It appears from the decision that the suspension of the provisions in question ought to encourage the Ethiopian authorities to undertake the necessary measures to improve cooperation on readmission matters.

The provisions of the Visa Code mentioned below which are temporarily suspended in relation to all visa applications introduced as of 1st July 2024 by Ethiopian nationals irrespective of the applicant’s place of residence.

The following provisions have been suspended:

  • The possibility of waiving requirements with regard to the documentary evidence to be submitted by visa applicants, referred to in Article 14(6) of the Visa Code;

  • The general 15 calendar days processing period, referred to in Article 23(1). From now on, the processing period will be 45 calendar days;

  • The possibility of the issuing of multiple-entry visas, referred to in Article 24(2) and Article 24(2c);

  • The optional visa fee waiver for holders of diplomatic and service passports referred to in Article 16(5) point (b). Consequently, holders of diplomatic and service passports must pay a fee when introducing a visa application.

The suspension of the regulations does not apply to the following cases:

  • Nationals of Ethiopia who are exempt from the visa requirement under Articles 4 or 6 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement.

  • Ethiopian nationals applying for a visa who are family members of Union citizens to whom Directive 2004/38/EC applies or of a national of a third country enjoying a right of free movement equivalent to that of Union citizens under an agreement between the Union and its Member States on the one hand and the third country on the other hand. As regards “family members of a Union citizen to whom Directive 2004/38/EC applies”, this also covers family members of UK nationals falling under the Withdrawal Agreement.

  • Cases where a Member State is bound by an obligation of international law, namely:

  1. As a host country of an international intergovernmental organization;

  2. As a host country to an international conference convened by, or under the auspices of, the United Nations or other international intergovernmental organizations hosted by a Member State

  3. Under a multilateral agreement conferring privileges and immunities; or

  4. Pursuant to the 1929 Treaty of Conciliation (Lateran Pact) concluded by the Holy See (Vatican City State) and Italy, as last amended. This means that the temporary suspension should, for example, not apply to nationals of Ethiopia applying for a visa for the purpose of attending meetings of international intergovernmental organizations or of international conferences hosted by a Member State.

Read Council Implementing Implementing decision - EU - 2024/1341 - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)